Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Daniel and Patty are both working full time at the French School. I've volunteered to wash clothes and dishes, and sweep and mop the floors. Daniel is still doing the cooking, when he's here. This week he's in Korla with Lillian and her parents, waiting for Aeryn to be born, hopefully while he's there.

My other job besides housekeeping will be private English lessons, including lessons with some people Lillian was teaching before. I used to help junior high and high school students with their math in Martinique, but I have virtually no experience teaching English to younger children. I have one group ages 9 and 10, and another, older group. Next week I'll be starting with someone younger.

I've been thinking about my vision, goals and strategies, and my head was spinning. Finally I thought of something simple (for me) that I can do with all levels until I think of something better. I've downloaded some educational videos from the Internet Archive called "Learning to be Human" by the Learning Corporation of America. I'll play each video a little at a time and have the students try to understand what people are saying, and write it down. Then we'll act it out, and discuss it.

That will provide practice in listening, speaking, reading and writing, and some first steps in spiritual and moral training. It will also tie in nicely with the harmonious society that's being promoted by the Chinese government.

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